81st Australian Sharpie Championships
2024/25 Yeppoon, Qld.
Host Club: Keppel Bay Sailing Club, Qld.

The following Prize winners list was sent to me from Harry Fisher. Thanks Harry.

81st Australian Sharpie Nationals Prize Winners.

Mr Plow (Noah Taylor)
- 1st overall (Addison Bros, Sir Dallas Brooks, Geoff Augustine trophies), plus…
- O’Grady Cup (Consistency)
- Peelgrane Trophy (Most Wins)
- Red Hand Trophy (1st Country)

Maelstrom (Jason Heritage)
- 2nd overall (Alcorso Trophy), plus…
- Golden Oldies (Over 40)

The Purple Circle (Ash Gabrielson)
- 3rd overall (Fred Meyer Trophy)

Spent (Sarah Lawrence)
- 4th overall (Phil Durham Trophy), plus…
- Graham Keys Trophy (Female Helm)

Slave Girl (John Weigand)
- Erky Mitton Trophy (Over 50)

Erratic Behaviour (Daryl Carter)
- Don Shields Trophy (First Non-State Team Competitor)

Hot & Dusty (Conrad Byrt)
- Bank of NSW Trophy (Overall Handicap)
- George Laurens Trophy (Non-State Team Handicap)

Shadow Boxer (Zane Chaplin)
- Tomlinson Trophy (First Junior)

Fat Controller (Grant Nichols)
- Ray Callard Trophy (First on Handicap in 1st Invitation Race)

The Chili Factor (Grant Warner)
- Bretts Plywood Trophy (First on Handicap in 2nd Invitation Race)

South Australia
- State Team Winners (Bishops Teams Trophy)

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