Day 53 - Wednesday 24th June 2015.

The mighty Navara's 150k service - Day 48.

I set the alarm for 7am, as the mighty Navara was booked in at Von Bibra at 7:30am.
It rained most of the night (6mm in 1 hour) and nearly all day, with misty rains, not enough to register much (3.6mm) BUT enough to stop Marg and I from walking to cafe Rockpool for coffee. Bugger.
We slept well last night, finally woke up about 6:45am. I got dressed, left Marg in bed and drove to Von Bibra in Southport about 15 minutes away. Got there just on 7:30am, Reece was my service contact, told him the problems (a squeak in the bonnet area). I waited in the lounge for the Courtesy Bus to drive me back to camp. Greg the usual driver wasn't working today, he has a back problem and visited the docs, Brett was the 'fill in' driver today. We left Von Bibra about 8;30am and I was the only customer.
It was still drizzling and we were van bound for most of the day. I had arranged for Brett to pick me up at 12:30pm, he rang me and picked me up at 12:00pm. I took my kindle, so I could read while waiting for the mighty Navara. As we pulled into the service area, the mighty Navara was sitting in the 'finished' area, just waiting for me. I was rapt as the 'boys' had fixed my squeak. They lubricated the bonnet hinges etc and solved the problem.

After having lunch at camp, we drove to Aus Fair for a coffee and some food shopping, then back to camp in the drizzle. We both laid on the bed and read BUT Marg fell asleep before I did.

Dinner was last night's egg and bacon pie leftovers. It was still YUMMA.

Tomorrow, if dry, I ride, if wet we drive somewhere. Being Thursday we are going to our club (CSI Southland) for dinner.

No photos OR riding today.

Day 54 - Thursday 25th June 2015.

Rode and Dinner at club - Day 49.

We both slept well. I looked out the window at 6:30am and noticed blue sky, so I got up, had brekky and changed into 'cycleman', said "bye" to Marg and I was off.
What's that saying. "Make hay while the sun shines" well I go riding while the sun shines. Today's forecast was for showers with a possible afternoon storm.

I felt good and wanted to ride about 70kms, SO I headed out the camp, turned right and off to my turnaround point at Lands End, before riding south to Burleigh Heads. Stopping at the lookout to take my daily photos, then heading north, stopping at Robbie's Cafe for a coffee, then through Broadbeach, Surfers, making my way to the end of The Spit, where I watched a whale watching boat make its way on a beautiful FLAT ocean and also ate my 2 bananas. Rode past the guy that has been living in his 2 door RAV4 car between the Southport YC and the Nerang River Bridge. I will speak to him when the opportunity arises. Stopped at Cafe Rockpool fo another coffee and a blueberry muffin. Spoke to Sean who works there for a few minutes, as business is slow DUE to the various road closures and erection of marquees etc for the GC marathon which is over a week away. Left Sean and rode back to my Lands End turnaround and back to the Nerang River bridge and back to camp. A total of 71.7kms, I was happy with that distance.
I broke another spoke during today's ride. It didn't appear to upset the bike much, SO I will play it by ear as to when I get it repaired. I will not replace the spoke BUT will get the whole wheel respoked with stronger gauge spokes. The disadvantage of being 'rather' heavy.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 72kms gives me a total of 740kms for June and my 31st ride at Southport for a total of 1,545kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,545kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

Back at camp, after showering and having lunch, we checked out a new high rise building in Labrador. There was a very nice, suitable apartment for approx $600k. We got a brochure etc. Just before 4pm, we headed off to our club (CSI Southland) for our usual Thursday of pokies, updating this website, having a chilled refresher or two and then were surprised when David and Di walked in, (they knew our schedule). We chatted and had dinner, it was very pleasant, as usual.

Dinner was 3 pizzas, while Marg had soup. It was yumma.

Tomorrow, if dry, I ride, but nothing else is planned.

My NEW treadley at Labrador.

A magic view at Labrador.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

My handlebars.

New treadley at Mick Schamburg Park lookout, Miami.

At Mick Schamburg Park lookout, Miami.

Today's weather photo from Surfers at 9:21am.

The ocean was a mirror.

This whale watcher's boat had a smooth ride.

Pirates 5 set is nearly ready.

My coffee and blueberry muffin. It is yumma.

Day 55 - Friday 26th June 2015.

Spotted a Whale - Day 50.

We both slept well. I awoke about 6:30am to the noise of rain on the roof, SO decided there and then to NOT go riding and rolled over and went back to sleep. Marg just slept through.
By 8:15am, the rain had cleared and I decided to risk it and go riding. I headed south to Burleigh Heads. I got to Miami before the rain appeared and I had to stop and put my wet weather jacket on. Continued to the Burleigh Heads lookout to take my daily photos, then heading north, didn't stop at Robbie's Cafe, then through Broadbeach, Surfers, making my way to the end of The Spit. Here I noticed 2 whale watching boats about 750 meters from the end of the Spit and sure enough, I saw the whale. I tried to photograph it, which is a tad difficult. Stopped at Cafe Rockpool for a coffee and a blueberry muffin, then back to camp.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 53kms gives me a total of 793kms for June and my 32nd ride at Southport for a total of 1,598kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,598kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

Back at camp, after showering and having lunch, we headed to Helensvale for some shopping and visited Bec and Jay's new house, the tile roof and spouting is on. It is coming along beautifully.

Dinner was spagetti sauce sangas. they were yumma.

Tomorrow, if dry, I ride, but nothing else is planned.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

A surfer at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

Today's weather photo from Surfers at 10:11am.

Some lifesavers doing some practice.

I saw the whale.

just missed him.

Got him, just.....

He was about 750 meters offshore.

Day 56 - Saturday 27th June 2015.

Lukey visited us on his motorbike - Day 51.

We both slept very well. Occasionally waking to the sound of light rain on the roof. Last night, I decided that I needed a sleep in, so NO early riding today, also Lukey is riding around to see us.
Lukey messaged us to say he was leaving and riding his motorbike. He arrived about 8;30am and we chatted for awhile before he continued on his ride. Marg made me go for a ride, SO I did, but only a short 35kms. There was a nice sunny break, SO I changed into 'cycleman' and headed north to Lands End and then down to Laycock Ave turnaround at Surfers, then back through all the people out to The Spit. Being the weekend, brings out many extra people, even on the Spit, there were at least 50 people along the Spit, while I rode out there. Compared to yesterday, there were 3 people on The Spit, while I was there. On my way to cafe Rockpool, the heavens opened and I got a tad damp. Stopped at Cafe Rockpool for a coffee and choccy muffin, then continued in the rain back to camp.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 35kms gives me a total of 828kms for June and my 33rd ride at Southport for a total of 1,633kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,633kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

Back at camp, after showering and having lunch, we walked over the road to the supermarket and bought a couple of items for tonight's dinner. For the rest of the arvo, Marg managed a nanna nap, while I watched a couple of my TV shows.

Dinner was Marg's mini pizzas. They were yumma.

Tomorrow, if dry, I ride, but nothing else is planned.

Today's weather photo at Surfers at 11:07am.

Not many at Surfers today.

Day 57 - Sunday 28th June 2015.

Rode and shopped at Helensvale - Day 52.

We both slept very well. Again, occasionally waking to the sound of light rain on the roof. I awoke about 6:45am to brilliant sunshine, SO I changed into 'cycleman' and headed south to Burleigh Heads, didn't stop at Robbies as it was chockers, then back through all the people out to The Spit. Being the weekend, there were people everywhere. There was a new sign at The Spit saying that a section of the park will be closed for filming of the Pirates 5. Stopped at Cafe Rockpool for a coffee and choccy muffin, then out to the Lands End, before heading back to camp.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 58kms gives me a total of 881kms for June and my 34th ride at Southport for a total of 1,691kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,691kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

Back at camp, after showering and having lunch, we drove to Helensvale for some food shopping and a coffee at Gloria Jeans. For the rest of the arvo, Marg managed a nanna nap, while I watched a couple of my TV shows.

Dinner was Marg's home made pumpkin soup. They were yumma.

Tomorrow, if dry, I ride and take my new bike for its 1st service.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

A very nice bike - Suzuki Boulevard M109R.

Today's weather photo from Surfers at 9:09am.

The sign at the Doug Jennings Park.

The other view of the Pirate 5 movie set.

Day 58 - Monday 29th June 2015.

It rained. say no more - Day 53.

We both slept very well. Again, occasionally waking to the sound of rain on the roof. I awoke about 6:45am to rain, rain and more rain. No riding today.
Marg laid in bed and watched Sunrise, while I had brekky and during a 'dry' patch I took my new treadley back to the bike shop for its 1st service and also managed to have the rear wheel re-spoked with stronger spokes. Back at camp, we just buggered about inside, listening to the pitter patter of the rain drops on the roof. We finally got organised and headed to Helensvale shops. On the way, the bike shop rang to say that my bike is ready. At Helensvale, we wanted to find a toy lawn mower, we checked out Target, Kmart and finally found a Gnome with a lawn mower at Stacks. We were rapt and we are also quite mad.
We had a late morning tea at Gloria Jeans.

On the way back to camp, we picked up my bike. All I wish is for the rain to STOP, so I can go for a ride. Back at camp, we had lunch and both of us managed a nanna nap.

Marg cooked omelettes for dinner. They are better than YUMMA, if that's possible.

Tomorrow (wet or dry) It's our last bingo at Sharks until August.

Day 59 - Tuesday 30th June 2015.

Our last Bingo - Day 54.

It stoppped raining about 4:30am and was dry for the rest of the day.
We slept well last night, finally woke up about 6:45am. We had brekky and got ourselves organised for Bingo and left at 8:20am. Arrived at the Sharks about 10 minutes later, the carpark was chockers, but there were other functions happening. I brought 1 full set plus 2 lucky numbers for $24 and Marg brought a full set on an ipad, these cost $32 plus you get another copy of the jackpot games and then sat at 'our' table, as it was free. Today is the last day of the month, so we were there for the 5 random draws of $100. I won a $100, which was greaat. I marked the various games and were ready for the 9:30am eyes down with heaps of time to spare, so Marg went and ordered coffee and cake. Last Bingo, our luck had changed. Today, our luck continued, we outlaid $56 and I won $100 in the random draw and Marg won $25.
Our Bingo summary after our 8th week, paid $54 won $125 currently our holiday to Date losing $94. That is our last Bingo at the Sharks until Tuesday 4th August, because next Monday 6th July, we go to Dicky Beach for 4 weeks, and we plan to play Bingo at the Dicky Beach Surf club if it is still played.

Back at camp at lunchtime, Marg was going to bugger about at camp, while I went riding. It was sunny all afternoon with a light breeze from the South.
I headed north to my turnaround point at Lands End, continued all the way to Burleigh Heads, then out to The Spit, stopped at Cafe Rockpool for coffee and muffin, then back to camp. The Gold Coast marathon is this Saturday and Sunday, and there are blockades everywhere. I will not be able to ride Saturday or Sunday because my route just happens to be the identical route of the marathon, so it will be closed to everyone except competitors.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 60kms gives me a total of 941kms for June and my 35th ride at Southport for a total of 1,751kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,751kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

Marg made spagetti on toast. It was YUMMA.

Tomorrow, Marg is taking Mont to see Minions. I will drop them off and go back at camp and count the blades of grass.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads - Nice waves.

At Burleigh Heads.

Today's weather photo from Surfers at 2:17pm.

This dude lives on his yacht on the Broadwater.

Here he is anchored just off Cafe Rockpool.

Day 60 - Wednesday 1st July 2015.

Marg and Mont went to the flicks - Day 55.

It hasn't rained since 5:00am 30th June. We are happy. Today Marg is taking Mont to the flicks to see Minions.
We slept well last night, finally woke up about 6:30am. We had brekky and got ourselves organised to leave about 8:15am, so we could pick up Mont about 8;30am, she was jumping out of her skin with excitement. We then drove back to Australia Fair cinemas, where I dropped them off at the Scarborough St entrance which is closest to the cinemas. I will meet them at 11:15am at the end of the movie. I had time to kill, SO I parked the mighty Navara at Aus Fair and went to Dick Smiths to buy an "All in one" speaker (logitech Z50) for my laptop. This is a single speaker for listening to Tv shows on my laptop, as my laptop's built in speaker is not loud enough for these 2 old farts. The new Z50 works brilliantly, it is a small single speaker which takes up bugger all space. Very happy with it. After Dicks, I went to Woollies for a few items and then drove back to camp. By this time, I was too warm in my jeans, SO I changed into shorts and T shirt.

It was soon time to go and meet Marg and Mont, I parked the mighty Navara and wandered down to the cinemas and sat in the foyer, waiting for them. The movie finished at 11:18am and they were one of the last out of the theatre. Typical. It was Mont's choice for lunch and "shock,horror" she choose Maccas. Typical again. It was packed, there were people everywhere BUT Marg and Mont waited in line while I 'saved' our seats. All good. We ate our Maccas, I enjoy Maccas, by the way. After lunch, we took Mont back to camp, to check out how much the dredge has reclaimed. It is slowly moving northward along our beach. We then dropped Mont off at home, while Lukey and I lifted our hitch back into the back of the mighty Navara, in readiness for our departure next Monday (6th July) morning.

The remainder of the arvo was spent sitting outside reading before the sun made us too sleepy and we had a nanna nap.

Dinner was a scratch meal, Marg made grilled cheese on toast. It was YUMMA.

We tested the new speaker and it passed with flying colours. We could hear the show.

Tomorrow, it's dinner at our club (CSi Southport) and I hope to ride.

Day 61 - Thursday 2nd July 2015.

Dinner at CSi Southport - Day 56.

We slept well last night, I woke up about 6:30am. Marg wanted Sunrise on, SO I turned on TV. I had brekky and changed into 'cycleman'. It was cool, so I wore my fluro yellow spray jacket. I wanted to ride about 70kms, SO I headed north to my turnaround point at Lands End, continued all the way to Burleigh Heads, as I passed Robbie's cafe I noticed that it was chockers, SO I headed out to The Spit, stopped at Cafe Rockpool for coffee and muffin, then I need another 14kms to get my 70kms. I continued out to Lands End again and then back to the Nerang River bridge and finally a lap around our Park. A total of 71.4kms.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 71kms gives me a total of 71kms for July. June's total was 946kms. My 36th ride at Southport brring my total to 1,822kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,822kms since leaving home back on 3rd May.

While I was out riding, Marg did a few loads of washing, bedding, towels etc. She is a good girl.
After showering and having lunch, we sat on the benchseat on our beach and watched the dredge people 'play'. One guy in a digger, moved a pipe for over 30 minutes while we watched him BUT in the end, the pipe was still where it was when we started watching him. Go figure.

About 3:40pm, we got ourselves organised and drove to our club (CSi Southport) for our normal Thursday activities (Marg-pokies, Me-laptop, US-dinner).
Marg lost on the pokies, I updated this website.

Marg had a Lamb pizza, while I had a pizza with the lot plus we had pancakes with cream and maple syrup for desert. It was YUMMA.

Tomorrow, I hope to ride.

Magic waves at Surfers this morning.

Magic waves at Surfers this morning.

Magic waves at Surfers this morning.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

Today's weather photo from Surfers at 8:58am.

Lifesavers at Surfers.

At Pirate 5's set - this semi was bogged.

In the finish straight of the Gold Coast marathon.

Nearly finished.

Day 62 - Friday 3rd July 2015.

Last ride on the Gold Coast - Day 57.

We slept well last night, I woke up about 6:30am. Marg wanted Sunrise on, SO I turned on TV. I had brekky and changed into 'cycleman'. It was cool, so I wore my fluro yellow spray jacket. I wanted to ride about 70kms, SO I headed north to my turnaround point at Lands End, continued all the way to Burleigh Heads, as I passed Robbie's cafe I noticed that it was chockers again, SO I headed out to The Spit, stopped at Cafe Rockpool for coffee and muffin, then I need another 14kms to get my 70kms. I continued out to Lands End again and then back to the Nerang River bridge and finally a lap around our Park. A total of 72.4kms.

My riding stats: Today's ride of 72kms gives me a total of 143kms for July. June's total was 946kms. My 37th ride at Southport bring my total to 1,894kms OR if you are really into figures, I have ridden 1,894kms since leaving home back on 3rd May. Today was my last ride on the Gold Coast until 4th August, SO I packed my NEW treadley on the front of the fiver. It fitted without drilling extra holes in the upright beam.

After showering and having lunch, we sat on the benchseat on our beach and watched the dredge people 'play'. There were 3 supervisors, SO I spoke to them. They were helpful. We drove over to Helensvale for a coffee and some food items plus I pumped up the tyres, as Marine Pde will be closed over the weekend, due to the Gold Coast marathon. The rest of the arvo was spent just buggering about at camp.

Marg made damper, it was yumma.

Tomorrow, we hope to visit Jay and Bec's house for a status report.

Today's weather photo at Burleigh Heads.

At Burleigh Heads.

Today's weather photo at Surfers at 9:07am.

Rough Day at Surfers.

A rough day for the Whale watchers.

Pirates 5 - starts filming on Monday 6th at The Spit.

Shock, horror - My cafe Rockpool coffee and choccy muffin.

The playground was absolutely chockers today. School hols.

Broadwater Parklands setting up for the GC marathon.

Broadwater Parklands setting up for the GC marathon.

Broadwater Parklands setting up for the GC marathon.

I got to the Finish Line BUT a bit early.

Day 63 - Saturday 4th July 2015.

Day 1 of the Gold Coast Marathon - Day 58.

We slept well last night, I woke up about 7:30am. Marg wanted Sunrise on, SO I turned on TV and we laid in bed and watched it for awhile, before getting up. We were 'park bound' due to the Gold Coast Marathon closing both sides of Marine Pde. There is NOT just a 42km Marathon. There are a heap of races. Today there were 4 races (10km Run, 5.7km walk, 2km dash for kids and a 4km dash for kids). Marine Pde opened at 11am, we forgot that there would be cars everywhere trying to leave the immediate area. It took us about 15 minutes to get past the Sharks Club.
We drove out to Bec and Jay's house to see what happened this week. The tile roof and spouting is on, air cond/heating ducts are in the ceiling, the brickwork is half up. It looking great. Jay was there with his mate putting in the data wiring. We left jay and called into Bec's mum for a chat and a coffee. It was great to catch up with Bec's mum. We did a small shop at Helensvale before coming back to camp for the arvo. Marg had a nanna nap while I buggered about on my laptop.

Marg made chicken and avocado sangas. It was yumma.

Tomorrow, we start to pack up.

The leaders of the Marathon.

Out the front of our Park.

The Music makers.

The kids 2kms Dash.

He did it the whole 2kms. Brilliant.

Bec and Jay's house - coming along well.

Day 64 - Sunday 5th July 2015.

Day 2 of the Gold Coast Marathon and packing up - Day 59.

I wanted to watch a bit of the Marathons today (Full, Half and wheelchairs).
We slept well last night, I woke up about 7:30am. Marg wanted Sunrise on, SO I turned on TV and we laid in bed and watched it for awhile, before getting up. We were again 'park bound' due to the Gold Coast Marathon closing both sides of Marine Pde. The 42km Marathon started at 7:20am, SO I reckoned that the leaders would be passing our Caravan park about 9:00am. I walked out of the CP and headed towards the Start/Finish area to get a feel of the 'vibe'. I managed to find a nice spot to watch the athletes come pass. I managed to photo the leaders as they approached the finish line.
Late morning, I was back at camp to start packing up. It was a beautiful sunny day with a light breeze, just ideal for packing up. All I have to do tomorrow is pack up Marg's room and the Satellite Dish and hoses and power. We wont leave until 9;30am, as I want to miss the traffic going to Brisbane. It is approx 170kms to Dicky Beach and we should be there about noon.

As we are packing up, Maccas was dinner. It was nice.

Tomorrow, we are staying at Dicky Beach for 28 days.

The action behind the fence.

Here they come.

Only 3 minutes from the finish.

The winner.

Second and Third.


Fifth and Last of the Half Marathon.


The first Female.

*2015 - Index page*

Heading to Dicky Beach.